Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bouncy Baby Goat


(BBC Look North)

Bouncy Baby Goat Rejected By Mother, Embraced By The World

Tom Horsfield has an especially unique, adorable and bouncy companion: a baby pygmy goat named Benjamin, or Benji. And ever since the BBC Look North feature on Benji, the world has fallen in love with this small, romping goat.

(BBC Look North)

Tom, who lives in Yorkshire, has been hand-rearing Benji since the baby goat's mother rejected him (Benji was a twin). Benji has quite taken to Tom, and follows him around like a curious child. The goat even accompanies Tom to his place of work, the Horsfields Nursery in Pot House Hamlet.

(BBC Look North)

According to Tom, Benji feeds roughly five or six times a day and gets a bottle of milk every four hours or so. And with luck and continued nurturing, Benji could grow to be as old as 20!

(BBC Look North)

In about two more months, Tom says he'll release Benji into the pasture on the hamlet's estate with the other full-grown goats, so that he can begin living a normal goat's life.

(BBC Look North)

Tom says that cute little Benji has become quite popular with the nursery's customers, and that one of his favorite pastimes is nibbling people's shoelaces. And, of course, jumping as far as his little hooves will carry him.

(BBC Look North)

Even though his beginnings may have seemed a bit rocky, it's clear that Benji is getting oodles of love and attention from Tom, and will no doubt grow into a happy, healthy adult. Until then, he'll continue scampering and bouncing along, following Tom wherever he may go.


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