
Thursday, January 26, 2012

What Animals Live in Mountains in Europe?


Animals that live in mountains like the Alps in Europe are naturally enough often those that shy away from contact with humans. However, if you do visit the Alps and walk quietly away from the busy paths, you may well see some of these Alpine animals and birds during your wanderings.

Top Ten Animals in the Alps

I've listed here 10 of the most loved animals (and a bird) found in the Alps. They include the Alpine Marmot, the Chamois and Alpine Ibex, and the European Lynx.

Some others are animals that live in mountains in other parts of Europe or on other continents too, such as the Red Squirrel and the Brown Hare. But all are a wonderful part of the Alpine ecosystem whose existence is jeopardised to some degree by human threats. Already a number of native species of Alpine animals have disappeared, the bear, wolf, and beaver among them.

While captive breeding programmes seek to stop the extinction of these creatures, there is nothing quite like seeing animals in the mountains where they belong.
(Photograph of Alpine Marmot copyright

Alpine Marmot -- Marmota marmota
Murmeltier (German), Marmotte (French), Marmotta (Italian)

The Alpine Marmot is a rodent with a thick fur coat, large front teeth, and small ears. This much-loved animal can be seen scampering around sunny mountain slopes and may occasionally wander across your path. Some marmot populations, such as those near the alpine mountain resort Davos in Switzerland, have become more used to humans and will eat from the hand.

The Alpine Marmot belongs to the squirrel family, and eats grass and herbs. It hibernates in winter.

Video of Marmots in Austria
See these delightful Alpine animals eat and play
This short nature film about marmots shows a marmot family up close in the Austrian Alps. (There is brief narration in German.)
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Red Squirrel -- Sciurus Vulgaris
Eichhoernchen (German), Ecureuil (French), Scoiattolo (Italian)

Sadly not as common a sight as once it was, the Red Squirrel is now a protected species. Although generally recognisable by its reddish colouring, a Red Squirrel can also have black fur, and it has a pale underbelly.

The Red Squirrel lives in woodland, as well as in parks and gardens. Its diet includes eggs and young birds in addition to plants.

Brown Hare -- Lepus capensis
Hase (German), Lievre (French), Lepre (Italian)

The Brown Hare is another creature that may be found across Europe, but this endangered species is generally wary of humans and is well-suited to solitary life in Alpine areas.

In breeding season, Brown Hares can be seen 'boxing' with their forefeet as they balance on their hind legs.

The Brown Hare has a mainly plant-based diet but occasionally will also eat small animals.

Edible Dormouse or Fat Dormouse -- Glis glis
Siebenschlaefer (German), Loir (French), Moscardino (Italian)

The Edible Dormouse (also known as the Fat Dormouse) is one of 3 varieties of Dormice found in the Alpine regions. The (ironically) rarer Common Dormouse and the Tree Dormouse are protected species, and are smaller and lighter.

This little rodent has large, dark eyes and thick grey fur. It has an omnivorous diet that includes plants and berries, eggs and baby birds.

Alpine Ibex -- Capra ibex
Steinbock (German), Bouquetin (French), Stambecco (Italian)

The Alpine Ibex is a type of mountain goat with long curved horns. It lives high up in the Alps where it has a diet of lichen, grass and herbs.

Having been hunted almost to extinction, the Alpine Ibex is now a protected species. It normally lives between 12 and 15 years.

Chamois -- Rupicapra rupicapra

Gaemse (German), Chamois (French), Camoscio (Italian)

Chamois, Standing in Snow, Switzerland
The Chamois is an Alpine goat with a coat that changes from a red-brown with dark underparts in summer to a blackish-brown with light underparts in winter. It has slim, curved horns. It can be recognised by the dark stripes from eye to nose.

The Chamois is perfectly designed for high altitude living on mountainsides. This nimble animal has hooves that allow it to remain stable-footed on rocky ground. It eats grass and herbs.

The tuft of hair that is often seen on traditional alpine hats comes from the neck of the Chamois. It is also known for its soft leather.

Pine Marten -- Martes martes

Marder (German), Marte (French), Martora (Italian)

Pine Marten, Young on Branch, July Highlands, Scotland

The Pine Marten belongs to the same family as the badger, stoat and otter, and all can be found in the Alps. It lives in woodland and forests.

The Pine Marten has a dark coat with yellowish underparts and a distinctive yellow throat patch. It eats small mammals such as squirrels, birds and their eggs, and berries.

Eagle Owl -- Bubo bubo

Eule (German), Hibou (French), Gufo (Italian)

Ollie the European Eagle Owl, April 2003

The Eagle Owl is the largest species of owl that is found in the mountains of the Alps. It can be up to 70 cm (27 inches) in height. The Eagle Owl has distinctive bright orange eyes and tufted ears, and feathered legs.

The Eagle Owl generally lives on high rocky ledges and hunts mammals and birds.

Other species of owl found in Alpine areas include in order of descending size: Tawny Owl, Long-Eared Owl, Barn Owl, Tengmalm's Owl, Little Owl, Scops Owl, and Pygmy Owl.

AND More.......

Alpine Marmot

Alpine Marmot Calling, Switzerland

The Alpine Marmot is a rodent with a thick fur coat, large front teeth, and small ears. This much-loved animal can be seen scampering around sunny mountain slopes and may occasionally wander across your path. Some marmot populations, such as those near the alpine mountain resort Davos in Switzerland, have become more used to humans and will eat from the hand.

The Alpine Marmot belongs to the squirrel family, and eats grass and herbs. It hibernates in winter.

Goats Being Crazy


Goats on a Dam

Dam You Crazy: Goats Climbing Vertical Dam

Cingino Dam isn't completely vertical, allowing ibex—such as these goats pictured in summer 2010—to gain some purchase.

Adapted to their perilous environment, Alpine ibex have evolved a specialized split hoof, whose cleft is wider than on any other split-hooved species, according to Smithsonian Magazine. The hoof also has a hard wall that can grab on to steep cliffs and a soft, rubbery inside that serves as a "stopper" when the animal is pushed forward by gravity, the magazine reported.

And because dams are usually built in steep canyons, Cingino's steep rock face is likely nothing novel for the mountain-dwelling ibex, according to Opperman. (See dam pictures.)

Sometimes reaching heights of 16,000 feet (5,000 meters), the herbivores spend their lives scrambling the European Alps' rocky and steep terrain, according to Caters news agency.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cowboy Monkeys Riding Dogs Herding Goats

And Now Monkeys riding dogs herding goats at a Baseball Game.

There’s nothing as quintessentially American as the dog-riding monkeys of the old west who herded goats to feed a young nation. And add baseball to the mix you have, well, I’m not sure what, exactly, but it seems to be popular. Here in the video below is Team Ghost Riders, who have traveled throughout the land to perform at many of our finest Minor League Baseball venues.

Monkeys apparently strapped to the backs of border collies. Is it humane? No one’s asking.

Goats being herded around the outfield, into a pen, and, amazingly, onto the roof of a pickup truck.

Players trying to warm up in the outfield while dodging goats.

So remember, if your local Minor League Baseball team is advertising a Cowboy Monkey Rodeo Night, run — don’t walk — to purchase tickets.